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By: Kirk Lynn
Producer: Ohio University Theater
Director: Roberto Di Donato
Scenic Design: Christopher Rees
Lighting Design: Caitlin Brown
Sound Design: Abby Coppock
Costume Design: Ren Cottrell
Photo Credits: Chris Rees
Visual Inspiration/Research
In Effective Magic, the group of teenagers are constantly challenged with the hardships of growing up. They use an old abandoned house as a clubhouse for their future coven. To exaggerate their dilapidated world, we decided to create the abandoned house architecture with cardboard. Not only did this serve our script but also worked with our extremely limited budget.
Disclaimer: I do not claim any inspiration artwork to be my own unless otherwise noted.
Artist credit given where applicable. If artist wants work removed please contact.
Initial Sketch
Vectorworks Rendering
Created in Vectorworks 2020
Created in Vectorworks 2020
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